Sunday, June 9, 2013

Week Three . . . Building the Course Structure

Wow!  That is my first reaction after building the outline of my proposed course structure.  If I started last year, I might complete the course during this class.

I believe that the conceptual framework that I will be working with is constructivisim.  This framework helps students to apply concepts that they have learned previously to new concepts.  Cognitivism is perfect for mathematical applications and helps a student to develop a stronger comprehension through practice and application.

My course will be built using Blackboard.  I am currently waiting for the "shell" to be built.  The IT department said three to four days about a week ago.  There is a shortage of IT on campus in the summer, so I must be patient.

The webinar on cyberbullying was very information.  I do not feel that many solutions were offered, rather I left with a sense of the problem.  I once accidentally tripped on a Facebook page that was dedicated to harassing a girl.  There was her picture and some very uncomplimentary words.   It was sad and caused me to reflect on some episodes in my childhood.  Cyberbullying would be some much worse than face-to-face bullying.  At least with face-to-face you can walk away and hide.  With cyberbulling you can't get away and it can last a long time.

I wish I could attend all the webinars, unfortunately (or fortunately) I have to teach during the Monday offerings.  I feel like I am missing so much information.

1 comment:

  1. I know how hard it is to find someone in the technology department to help you. I am using Moodle through our districts website and having problems finding someone to answer my questions - I guess people actually do enjoy their summer vacations :)

    My course is built around a math concept and I chose Cognitivism as my conceptual framework. After reading through all the different types of framework, I agreed that it fits my course best.
